Sometimes everything wants to get through the eye of the needle at once.
A second burst of activity in support of Nailing Down the Saint (more on this below), the most challenging period of my professional (ie not writing books) career, a week in Melbourne for work, and in general the lowest ebb for my mental health in maybe fifteen years...
But anyway...
Back in early September it was Going West Festival, in Titirangi. It was my second time at the festival (the first was in 2011), and it still has the cosy, kindly curious vibe. I did a session with Rosetta Allen about our latest novels, ably chaired by Caroline Barron.
Elizabeth Knox giving her address on opening night at Going West 2019 |
St Clair |
"Interruptions are like flies."- @ElizabethKnoxNZ— Tara Black (@ablack_art) September 30, 2019
Reviews? Well, there's not a lot of bandwidth for any writing these days, but I did have positive reviews in North & South and The NZ Herald. ("Satisfactions abound" is a pretty pleasing headline for a review (even if the headline was probably the work of a sub-editor who hasn't read the book.)
Ghost Wall by Sara Moss (novel, audiobook)
A short novel told in the first person, I was gripped throughout but the payoff for the ever-growing sense of dread felt a little meagre.
Night Boat to Tangier by Kevin Barry (novel, audiobook)
And another landing that felt less substantial that the waiting promised.
(I'm beginning to think I like the idea of short novels more than I do the reality.)
I wanted to find fault with this book. I wanted to look down my nose at the stories in this book whose blurb touts the face "Cat Person" was "the first short story to go viral". (I listened to "Cat Person" in 2017 and thought it was a decent story published at the perfect moment but two years later could remember very few details).
And yet my bias was defeated. This is a very good collection. Very very good.
The Absolute Book by Elizabeth Knox (novel, NZ)
I don't read many books with faeries in them, but this is safely the best.
The Way Home by Mark Boyle (non-fiction, audiobook)
I originally put this book on my reading list as I thought it might provide some sparks for a post-apocalyptic story, but as life got shitty I could see the contemporary appeal of unplugging, tuning out and dropping off the map. Total middle class yt ppl masochistic fantasy on my part, but still.

Underland by Robert MacFarlane (non-fiction, audiobook)
There was a good book here, but it's buried (*rim-shot*) beneath an excess of description and, just, too much content.
The two biggest challenges of writing about language on the internet in book form:
1) Managing tone - how do you pay due attention to interesting linguistic features and developments without disappearing up your own @#%?
2) Managing time - the internet moves fast - how do you talk about language, memes, platforms with a half-life of months?
McCulloch pulls it off in both respects.
When Morrison died in August, I knew it was long past due some of her books on my to-read list got taken off the shelf. Sula, her second published novel, opens up a world in its first few pages and adds so much depth to it, so deftly, that it's a little scary.
RIP Toni!

A mixed bag, as most anthologies are, but some standout stories from Kwame Alxander and Sunil Malhotra.
Minotaur by Peter Goldsworthy (novel, audiobook)
There are a few cringy parts (okay, so maybe I'm supposed to cringe at the description of Zadow's Asian ex's "almond" eyes... every time they're mentioned and exoticised), but for the most part this is an interesting, absorbing psychological thriller in hardboiled garb.

Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung - 20 hour-long episodes, really got sucked in after getting used to the variety of tones (it's a bit like Shakespeare... or anime). Has totally thrown a cat among the pigeons of my Netlflix recommendations
El Camino - made me more eager for the next season of Better Call Saul rather than nostalgic for Breaking Bad
John Wick 3 (in-flight viewing - abandoned due to excessive violence in a constrained space)
Detective Pikachu (in-flight viewing - abandoned due to boredom)
Fleabag Season 1 (in-flight viewing - devoured)
The Chills: the triumph and tragedy of Martin Phillipps (in-flight viewing coming back from Melbourne... I also watched another movie... some recent release from Hollywood, but for the life of me I can't remember what it was, which tells you all you need to know)
Crashing Season 1
Rugby World Cup - my quadrennial descent back into caring about rugby
NBA - every Sacramento loss (ie every Sacramento game) so far this season (it's fair to say sport has done nothing for my depression...)