Monday, March 15, 2010

I Saws

I saw the unlinkable orange sunrise, then I went to work.


I saw Martin 'Marty Two Toes' Guptill walking down The Terrace today. He was wearing jandels but I didn't think to look at his toes until he'd passed me.


I saw this article about an American who wants to be the world's fattest woman. "She has a weekly food bill of $750, which she funds by running a website where men pay her to watch her eat fast food..."  You stay classy, humanity.


I saw Mark Twain and Me in Maoriland this evening as part of the festival.  It's a real genre mash-up, asking a lot of the cast (karakia, two-man banjo, accordions, accents, sound effects, dance, stand up...), but they delivered. Review here.


I saw the unlinkable orange sunset and I went to work.

1 comment:

Zara Bickersteth said...

I saw the pink sun and sky and went to the work. The chances of the work with the settlement for all right and with the means the process for the are done and advanced the sufficient medium for the right and for all offered the sentiments of the right and use for the negligence of the produced and announced. The elements are for the betterment.