Or, for a do-it-yourself version, you could:
1) watch this youtube clip of Michael Jackson:
(I did the interview with The Good Word and the newspaper 10 months apart and forgot I'd told that anecdote before. Also, I spoke for half an hour with The Good Word and had no idea how they'd cut it or what'd they'd have me say. In all, I think I sounded okay... coulda been a lot worse!)
3) look at this gallery of antique guns.
Et voila!
Funnily enough, that's exactly what I see all those hours I spend looking in the mirror: a gun-toting, GI Joe collecting, pop legend.
Loosely connected
I may be appearing on Good Morning this coming Tuesday (around 9.45am on TV1). I'm being cagey because these things tend to change. Good news: TVNZ does place some portions of the show online afterwards, so my huge international fanbase mightn't miss out either.
Poetry competition update
As per the comments in my previous post:
1. No, a yak is not a forest animal.
3. The prize to the first non-anonymous commenter to correctly cite a move from this list in the above poem wins their choice of A Man Melting, The Long and The Short of It or Venice: Pure City by Peter Ackroyd (a freebie from Random House when I went to the Auckland Writers and Readers Festival; it's a beautiful book but I won't read it because I have this hate-hate thing with Venice... long story, by me a drink some time and I'll tell you).
4. I've probably scared of any potential commenters/entrants by being a hard-ass.
I associate ravens with old castles and the like, it must be the Tower of London effect.
Maybe Move 21. squinting
I'd really like to read your book.
Hi Sarah
Yeah, I reckon you're right. Move 21 is a bit vague (a lot of lines break before or after a verb, for numerous reasons...), but a case can be made that I broke the clause "a squinting / guide" to build some suspense ("what's squinting? oh, it's the guide").
An obvious example of move 21 to me is in the 2nd stanza: "the desire to suspend / our sentences".
Anyway congratulations! Email me your address (thecraigcliff[at]gmail.com)and I'll post you a copy of A Man Melting (or one of the others if you've changed your mind).
Is it Number one, exposed revision?
Penny Kennett
Hi Penny
Not sure I see any exposed revision myself. You may be right, though. Care to provide some supporting evidence?
(And just for fun, as Sarah has already won the prize)
Hi Craig,
Woops, I didn't read the above posts carefully before bunging in my bit.
On reflection, what I was thinking of was Move #2 (not exposed revision) '...starting a line with the final clause from previous line's sentence and finishing it with a short sentence...'
when you wrote
...it is hard to believe/in the existence of sentient beings/in need of blessings. It feels as if we/are the first rush of mortals...
any way, really enjoyed the yak poem, thanks.
Penny K.
Man in mirror is good and wonderful concept. The abilities of the man in mirror are floated in order find someone to write essay for you for all success and man in mirror the possibility is devised.
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